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Friday, October 31, 2008

Don’t Waste Your Time and Money with Brian Campbell

Welcome back to!

I’ve been anticipating the launch of Brian Campbell’s video serieshe’s been promoting so much on Facebook. Yesterday I got an e-mail from Brian letting me know the videos are now live to watch. In total, there are 45 short YouTube videos which combined, add to about 3 hours worth of content.
I watched all of them in their entirety and while there is some good content, the best quality stuff that Brian preaches comes with a price. He’s been building up hype for two weeks about how he’s going to make $10,000 in 37 days. I don’t doubt for a second that he won’t make that much, but for you to do the same thing is nearly impossible.
The basic idea described in the videos is this…
You need your own product to sell. The more expensive it is, the more money you’ll make. Create an informational product; eBook, report, teleseminar, etc.
Build your social networking contacts on sites like Facebook.
Send these contacts to a squeeze page to capture their e-mail address using autoresponder software and send them a free report or PDF.
Now that you’ve got their e-mail address, market them whatever you wish (such as the product you’ve created or affiliate product).
Leverage the power of the list by creating a word-filled sales letter.
Pick very high traffic, non competing niches… what are those niches? Give Brian a $47 signup fee and $27 a month after that to find out. Ripoff!!
And the end of the video Brian lists three packages you can choose from. Bronze, Silver or Gold (I wonder how he came up with those names - creative guy!). For a minimum of $27 a month and a maximum of $297 a month, you can learn what Brian “sort of” taught in the videos.
This is biggest disappointment and load of crap I’ve ever seen. I’m not usually one to bash another marketer, but when I see the stunt he’s pulling and the number of people buying it, it’s very sad.
The same information suckers will pay hundreds of dollars for can be learned for free all over the internet, including on this very blog.
How You Can Help
This blog reaches about 1000 readers daily and I know this post will prevent a lot of those loyal readers from emptying their pockets into Brian’s system. What you can do to help is e-mail this post to a friend or link to it on your blog.
The more people who can be made aware of what Brian Campbell is trying to pull, the better off the internet marketing community will be.
UPDATE: Brian has just sent out a message stating that he’s reached $7,000 so far since yesterday. But where is the proof? He doesn’t show any!

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