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Saturday, June 6, 2009



Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Monday, March 23, 2009

How To Find Profitable Keywords In 3 Easy Steps

Each day I go on the hunt for profitable keywords for my sites. I have been doing this daily task for years and have come to enjoy the simple steps I take to find profitable keywords. It has become so enjoyable because I know with each valuable keyword I find I am adding hundreds, sometimes even thousands to my yearly online income.
Keywords power much of the online traffic and commerce onthe web. Keywords are the exact word or phrase surfers type into search engines to find what they're looking for on the Internet. They are the essential elements in your website's profitability and in many cases keywords will largely determine how much revenue you earn from the web.
Finding profitable keywords is not a difficult task, anyonecan use popular online sites and tools to find valuable andprofitable keywords with a few minutes of work. Quick, easy and simple. You just have to know how to find the answers to these three questions:
1. How Many Searches Are Made Each Month For Your Keyword?
A keyword that receives no searches is worthless. A keyword which receives just 10 to 100 searches each month may be very profitable. Your first task is to find out or discover HOW MANY SEARCHES are made each month for your keyword or keyword phrase. You can use sites like Overture (Yahoo Marketing) or WordTracker and they will give you the number of searches made each month and also variations of your keyword phrase. For quick referenceI use this site:
Once you know how many searches are made for your keyword you can determine how much traffic you will receive if your site lands on the first page SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). The closer you are to the number one spot will determinethe percentage of these monthly searches you will receive. Most of your traffic will come from Google, even if you get#1 spots in all three major engines, Yahoo and MSN willreturn less traffic - at least this has been my experience.
Keep in mind, even keywords with low search numbers may still be profitable. For example, 'unique corporate gift ideas'only has around 400 searches but this may be very profitablefor companies or websites that cater to corporate gifts.Also remember, some keyword searches are seasonal, i.e. the number of searches made for 'valentine gifts' in July will greatly differ from those made in February.
2. How Much Competition Does Your Keyword Have?
You must know the level of competition for each keywordphrase you target with your online marketing. Extremelycompetitive keywords are not worth your time becauseyou will not place for these keywords on the SERPsand you will get no traffic. As a general rule, the most popular keywords with 100's of thousands ofsearches a month will have the stiffest competition.
You can still place for very competitive keywords butit may require months, usually years of content/linkbuilding. Unless you use a PPC (Pay Per Click) advertisingsystem such as Google Adwords or Yahoo Marketing; youwon't get any traffic from extremely competitive keywords.It's best to target keywords with little or no competition.
One of the best sites to use to find out your keyword'scompetition is Google. If you type your keyword phrase 'corporate gift ideas' into Google search you will see there are 7,660,000 pages/listings returned. To get the number of pages that have your exact keyword phrase, you need to search your phrase within quotation marks "corporate gift ideas" and you will see it has around 275,000 pages featuring your keyword phrase.
If you check out the sites on the first three pages of listings you can determine the level of your competition.I use the professional keyword research software Keyword Elite to determine my competition. But here's a quick way to check the PR (Page Rank) of the listings for your keyword phrase. Let's run thru an example.
First do a search in Google for 'corporate gift ideas' and then highlight and copy the return url. Next go to this site and paste in your Google keyword return url: This will give you a quick visual pagerank of all your chosen keyword's Top 10 competitors!
3. How To Know If Your Keyword Is Really Profitable?
One quick and simple way to tell if your keywordis profitable, i.e. people are making money frompromoting and optimizing your chosen keyword phrase.
Take your keyword phrase and type it into Google, Yahoo and MSN. Just count the number of Sponsored Links at the top of the page and at the sides. If your keyword phrase is profitable you will see a lot of sponsored links, which means sites/businesses are advertising. Where there is advertising, there is profit!
You can use Yahoo advertising (Overture) to discoverthe amount each advertiser is welling to pay foreach click or visitor to their keyword phrase -this amount can range from $.10 to $10 to $100per click!
I use the keyword software mentioned above to monitor the different sites promoting my keywords. If my competitors are buying PPC advertising month after month, you know this keyword phrase is profitable for them and chances are it can be also profitable for you.
Many savvy Internet Marketers instead of targeting extremely popular keywords, find a niche market and target a whole string of related keywords that have little or no competition.
This Long Tail marketingmethod can prove very profitable. How profitable will largely depend on what you do withyour keyword traffic, how well you can convert thistraffic into a sale or how well you can monetize it with affiliate programs or Google Adsense? Just follow these three easy steps for finding profitable keywords and you will have a simple system for adding valuable keywords to your site or online marketing.
Take full advantage of these little income magnets which powers so much of the commerce done online and you will succeed. Always remember, these little nuggets of gold are yours for the taking.
Copyright © 2006 Titus Hoskins

Friday, March 20, 2009

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Nursing Careers - Three Of The Most Fulfilling Careers In Nursing Today

Not that nursing in itself is a fulfilling and honorable job. After all, the nature of the nursing job is giving proper care to people and showing compassion. However, pursuing a personal cause in your urbane scrubs free shipping can give you a deeper sense of fulfillment. A job in nursing is the perfect way to pursue you passions and your causes whether it is taking care of schoolchildren, serving your church or religion, serving your country, or fighting a threatening disease that a family member suffered from (such as cancer), and other personal causes close to your heart. Below are some four of the most fulfilling careers in nursing today.

School Nurse

School nursing is a wonderful chance to make a positive difference in the lives of children. It is a specialized nursing practice that is geared on advancing the well-being of students. A school nurse looks after the well-being and life-long achievements of students by promoting normal development, ensuring health and safety, giving proper care to avoid potential and remedy actual health problems, and providing good nutrition advice. The school nurse also actively collaborates with parents and family for promoting the health of the student and foe building self-management, learning, and health advocacy programs. A school nurse may work as a staff, a clinical nurse specialist, a nurse supervisor, a nurse practitioner, or a manager. To become a school nurse, one must be caring and have a natural fondness for children, is self-motivated, patient, and has excellent communication skills. The job requires long-term relationships and professional independence and autonomy. Most school nurses work regular hours unlike hospital nurses. The drawbacks for this kind of job are the excessive paperwork and possibly heavy workload. To be a school nurse, one must be a registered nurse with a diploma or bachelor in science degree. He or she can work in private schools, public health departments, and school boards.

Parish Nurse

For nurses with a religious bent and feel the need to serve their church, becoming a parish nurse can be a very fulfilling career path. Through religious affiliation the parish nurse helps unite the community and healthcare, acting as a facilitator for the church, community, and hospital. A parish nurse can be a program director, pastoral counselor, health educator, counselor, liaison, facilitator, consultant, or a referral source. It requires having an active and diverse role in the community and dealing with various kinds of people. To do this job well, it helps to have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and a solid clinical foundation. Because this specialty is fairly new, however, job opportunities are limited and some may not pay too well or even be non-paid voluntary work. Employers for this position include religious organizations, congregations, and hospitals.

Military Nursing

For nurses who wish to serve the country in the name of patriotism, military nursing may be a good option. A military nurse provides traditional nursing practice and care to various branches of the military in various settings, whether peace or war-time and classified as either civilian employment or active duty reserves. It requires a strong commitment and a strong and broad knowledge in critical care, trauma, and OR. Employers include the US Government and contract agencies for employment.

Article Source:

Interviewing - The First Date

In my work as a recruiter, I frequently come across individuals with exceptional credentials that just cannot turn an interview into a job offer. Just as often, I come across individuals, with more modest credentials, that have no problem landing offers. The key difference is that those that land the offers know how to connect with the interviewer on a personal level.

Before the interview, the hiring manager reviewed the qualifications you outlined on your resume and found them to be adequate: That is why you were granted the interview. During the interview, the hiring manager is more interested in how well you fit within the organization. Think of the interview as a first date.

First impressions are key. The impression you make on the hiring manager will be formed primarily in the first minute or two of your meeting. Believe it or not, these impressions usually happen before the formal interview even begins. There are a few things that you can do to give yourself a good shot at a favorable first impression.

Interviewers will typically offer water or coffee before the interview begins. You're probably thinking you don't want to trouble the hiring manager or perhaps you want to give them the impression you are a ‘straight to business' kind of person, so you decline the offer. Contrary to what you may think, in our culture the offer and acceptance of food or drink is a ritual that works to bring down social barriers. Accept the offer. It is a subtle way to begin building a personal connection with the hiring manager in informal setting versus a more formal setting like the actual interview.

Establish common ground before the interview begins. This will improve the tone of the interview. Find areas of common interest. Scan their office and apparel for clues to the things that interest them. If their office is filled with nautical knick-knacks, ask if they are a sailor. Look for items on their apparel such as a Rotary pin. If there are no clues available, you could comment on a common issue that the interviewer is bound to identify with. The current level of the DOW comes to mind right now. Everyone is more comfortable with others that have similar interests and challenges.

Mirror the speaking style and mannerisms of the hiring manager. People are more comfortable with those like themselves. I do not mean copy every move they make. Just follow their lead. Take note of their posture and verbal style. Interviewers that are strictly "business" will appreciate a business-like demeanor. Some interviewers are very relaxed and personable. These interviewers will be more likely to connect with someone of a similar style. But, I have a word of caution on this: some interviewers play your best friend to get you to let your guard down. You may be tricked into revealing more than you want to. Relax, but remember this is like a first date. You don't want to reveal everything at once.

Also, ask the hiring manager about their experiences with the company. People love to talk about themselves and their company. If you do this well, you will have the hiring manager selling you on why you should work there.
Article Source:

What Employers Usually Ask In Job Interviews

Job interviews are meant to be stressful, so don't even think that you're becoming crazy if yours that's scheduled tomorrow (or next week, probably) makes you feel the same way as Ann once did after she was abducted by the dreadfully-frightening creatures of Skull Island. As a matter of fact, even job seekers who have gone on countless interviews in the past still feel uneasy before an interview. And since, a job interview is meant to be this way, what you can do to somehow lessen its unappealing effects on your stomach and pores, is to prepare. How? Take the time to review the "standard" interview questions you'll most likely be asked. Here are some of them:
The most popular interview question is, "What are your pet peeves?" Take note that the interviewer isn't expecting you to respond with some dramatic stories about your love for dogs, cats or any other adorable creature that's considered a member of Kingdom Animalia to this question. Instead, he's asking you what are the things that piss you out. This will help him determine if you would be a good fit with the company culture. So, what should be your answer? Deny that you have pet peeve. Tell him if something is bothering you, you analyze "why" and find a good solution.
Another interview-favorite question is, "How do you handle stress and pressure?" Of course, any kind of work gives out pressure. The interviewer wants to know here if your case of getting pressured is in the extremes. Your best possible response is to admit that you get affected by stress, but you don't let it totally control you. Instead, you view it as motivator. Tell him that you deal with stress by balancing good stress and bad stress -- that you need good stress to stay "alive" and productive.
"How do you evaluate success?" is also another cliché interview question. To be able to answer this properly, mention some aspects of your social life and the career life you're planning to have with the company. Tell him that success in the workplace is all about meeting goals and acing sales. In social life, success for you is, let's say, every time your badminton team wins in local competitions or when your garden flowers bloom every summer.
But remember that interview questions are not always miss-universe-essay sounding. Lots of interviewers also ask interviewees to give them some information about the company. Of course, this is to check whether you're really interested in working for them or not. So, what you should do is to prepare in advance, or, in other words, research. Search for the company's website, then review the "About Us" section of that website. In addition, read blogs that mention the company, and check Discussion Boards and social networking sites.
Lots of interviewers also ask about the future. They ask questions like "What are your goals for the next five years / ten years?", "What are your salary requirements?" and "What will you do if you don't get this position?" to determine whether you have a "direction" in your life and if they can partly entrust the "future direction" of the company to you. To answer, don't discuss your goals for returning to school or having a family. Rather, you must connect your answer to the job you're applying for. Basically, you should tell them that your goal is to continue to learn while working.
Donald Varner

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Ceramah yang bermula jam 9 malam akan diadakan di Jalan Kuala Kangsar, Simpang dekat Taiping.

Ketua polis daerah Taiping, ACP Raja Musa Raja Razak berkata ceramah tersebut tidak sesuai kerana tempat itu berdekatan dengan jalan utama dan boleh menjejaskan lalulintas dan keselamatan orang ramai.

Anwar, yang juga ketua pembangkang di Dewan Rakyat, dalam sidang akhbar di bangunan Parlimen petang ini berkata "ia sering berlaku seperti itu."

Beliau akan tetap menghadiri majlis makan malam di situ, tambahnya.

Esok nama calon untuk Bukit Selambau akan diumumkan.

Dari sumber yang boleh dipercayai besar kemungkinan calon ini bukan Ali Rustam kerana beliau telah tidak dibenarkan bertanding.

Karpal tidak layak tinggal di negara ini - Muhammad Taib

Ketua Penerangan UMNO, Senator Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd. Taib menyifatkan Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh tidak layak untuk tinggal di negara ini kerana tidak memahami adat dan budaya masyarakat di sini. Beliau berkata, sikap Karpal yang bermulut celupar itu juga tidak sesuai dan selari dengan rakyat negara ini terutama orang Melayu yang beradat dan beradab.
"Karpal sejak 15 tahun dulu bermulut celupar apabila menghina sultan dan yang terbaru menggelar Pemuda UMNO sebagai celaka, ini tidak sesuai dengan negara kita, orang Melayu ada adat dan adab. "Siapa hendak duduk negara ini kena faham semua perkara ini.
Sebagai contoh, hendak masuk rumah orang pakai kasut tidak salah, cuma kalau masuk ke dalam rumah orang Melayu pakai kasut, mungkin kita kena tumbuk," katanya. Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Pejabat RISDA Jajahan Kelantan Utara di sini hari ini.
Turut hadir Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, Datuk Abd. Jabar Che Nai dan Ketua Pengarah Risda, Datuk Mohammad Izat Hassan. Utusan Malaysia semalam menyiarkan kenyataan Karpal yang menyifatkan Naib Ketua Pemuda, Khairy Jamaluddin sebagai budak kecil dan juvenil.
Kenyataan tersebut adalah maklum balas daripada desakan Khairy supaya Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gelugor itu mengemukakan bukti dalam tempoh 24 jam berhubung tuduhannya yang mendakwa Pemuda UMNO bertanggungjawab mengirim dua butir peluru kepadanya.
Muhammad yang juga Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah berkata, Karpal sewajarnya menunjukkan contoh yang terbaik kepada orang muda. "Saya minta Karpal tunjuk contoh terbaik kepada orang muda, kalau tidak pandai jaga mulut itulah akibatnya, orang muda cepat panas. "Itulah jadinya jika kita tidak pandai layan anak-anak, ibarat kita baling bola ke dinding ia akan melantun kena kita balik dengan kelajuan yang sama," katanya.
Tambahnya, peguam veteran itu sebenarnya seorang penakut dan hanya berani mengeluarkan kenyataan serta berselindung di sebalik kekebalan Parlimen.
Ditanya adakah UMNO Selangor akan mengambil tindakan terhadap anggota Pemuda negeri itu yang menimbulkan kekecohan di Parlimen kelmarin, beliau yang juga Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Selangor berkata:
"Kita perlu melihat kejadian ini berpunca daripada siapa, Karpal yang memulakannya dahulu dengan mulutnya yang celupar sehingga menimbulkan kemarahan mereka."

Abdullah nyaris disembelih

Jika ditakdirkan hidup seseorang itu menjadi yatim piatu, sebenarnya mereka sangat bertuah. Sekalipun keperitan begitu dirasai akibat kehilangan ibu dan bapa sehingga merasakan hidup ini seperti tiada maknanya lagi. Namun, bayangkan Nabi Muhammad SAW yang sedari kecil baginda juga telah kehilangan kedua-dua orang tua yang sangat dikasihi.
Pernahkah kita menemui kisah, Nabi SAW menghabiskan usianya dengan meratap hiba atas kehilangan kedua-dua manusia yang paling bermakna dalam hidupnya itu? Tentu sama sekali kita jarang menemui kisah sedih seperti itu.
Tetapi jika kita hayati seluruh kisah perjuangan Rasulullah, seolah-olah baginda ingin memberitahu bahawa sebagai anak yatim piatu, baginda terbukti sangat berjaya dalam hidup dan seharusnya semua anak-anak yatim juga begitu! Baginda sedia menjadi contoh atau suri teladan untuk golongan ini.
Jadi tidakkah bertuahnya mereka kerana mempunyai Rasulullah untuk mereka contohi bagi menjejak kejayaan dalam hidup? Justeru mereka ini sebenarnya merupakan yang paling mengenali Rasulullah kerana menjadikan baginda sebagai pengganti kepada ibu bapa yang telah tiada.
Dengan kata lain, jika baginda yang yatim dan piatu itu begitu berjaya mengukir nama dan sejarah, mengapa tidak bagi anak-anak yatim yang lain, mereka juga boleh berjaya sebagaimana yang dicapai oleh Rasulullah!
Disayangi ramai
Begitupun kita begitu mengenali Abdullah bin Abdul Mutalib dan Siti Aminah binti Wahab sebagai orang tua yang melahirkan baginda Rasulullah ke dunia ini! Tetapi mungkin sekadar mengenali nama dan mungkin tidak pelbagai kisah yang berlaku di sebalik riwayat hidup mereka.
Datuk Nabi Muhammad, Abdul Mutalib mempunyai 10 anak lelaki, iaitu Al Harith, Al Zubayr, Abu Talib, Abdullah, Hamzah, Abu Lahab, Al Ghaydaq, Al Miqwam, Saffar dan Al Abbas. Malah dikatakan Abdul Mutalib mempunyai seorang lagi anak yang dikenali Qutham. Malah ada yang mengatakan beliau mempunyai 13 anak lelaki kesemua dengan dua lagi dikenali sebagai Abdul Kaabah dan Hajal. Namun dikatakan Abdul Kaabah merupakan nama gelaran untuk anaknya yang bernama Al Miqwam dan Hajal pula merupakan gelaran kepada Al Gaydaq.
Selain anak lelaki, Abdul Mutalib mempunyai enam anak perempuan, Ummu Hakim atau Al Bayda, Barrah, Atiqah, Safiyyah, Arwa dan Umaymah.
Begitulah kayanya datuk Rasulullah ini kerana mempunyai keturunan yang ramai. Di tambah, beliau seorang yang sangat dikenali di kalangan penduduk Arab atas kemuliaan tugasnya bagi meneruskan tradisi Bani Hasyim sebagai yang bertanggungjawab memberi makan dan minum kepada mereka yang datang ke Mekah untuk mengerjakan haji.
Ini menjadikan beliau seorang yang terhormat dan ditaati serta mempunyai kedudukan yang tinggi di kalangan masyarakat Arab sebelum kedatangan Islam itu.
Bapa nabi, Abdullah dikatakan anak Abdul Mutalib yang terbaik. Ini kerana Abdullah adalah anak yang paling sopan, paling baik budi pekertinya sehingga begitu disayangi ramai.
Bercerita mengenai bapa Rasulullah ini, sejarah pasti sesuatu yang sangat berbeza jika peristiwa Abdullah hendak disembelih oleh bapanya sendiri akibat hendak membayar niat nazar benar-benar terjadi.
Begitupun sangat menarik untuk kita mengetahui kisah penyembelihan itu bagi menunjukkan betapa kuatnya elemen-elemen jahiliah, termasuk menggunakan anak panah sebagai menentukan nasib dalam aspek budaya dan sosial masyarakat Arab pra Islam itu.
Akibat peristiwa nazar itu, bapa Rasulullah ini turut dikenali dengan gelaran Al Dhabih (mangsa penyembelihan), iaitu akibat dari nazar yang dibuat oleh Abdul Mutalib kerana mempunyai anak-anak lelaki yang begitu beliau banggakan. Sehinggakan beliau sanggup menyembelih di sisi dinding Kaabah salah seorang anak lelakinya itu.
Sebagaimana tradisi Arab Jahiliah yang begitu berpegang kuat kepada ramalan dan tilik nasib, Abdul Mutalib juga tidak terkecuali. Beliau telah menulis nama kesemua anak lelakinya itu pada anak-anak panah dan diberikan kepada penjaga Hubal, sebuah patung berhala besar yang boleh didapati berhampiran Kaabah.
Si penjaga berhala itu juga seorang yang berfungsi sebagai yang mencabut anak-anak panah bagi menentukan nasib yang mesti dihadapi oleh mereka yang meramal menggunakan anak panah ini.
Lalu selepas menggoncang anak-anak panah itu, maka anak panah yang dipilih dan dicabut keluar mencatatkan nama Abdullah, anak yang paling disayangi oleh Abdul Mutalib.
Namun akibat niat bernazar yang kuat, Abdul Mutalib tidak ada pilihan kecuali terpaksa menyerahkan juga anak yang paling disayanginya itu untuk disembelih.
Lalu tanpa banyak berkata-kata lagi, Abdul Mutalib pun membawa Abdullah ke Kaabah dan sebilah pisau tajam yang hendak digunakan untuk menyembelih anaknya itu. Tindakan Abdul Mutalib itu benar-benar menimbulkan kegemparan di kalangan penduduk kota Mekah ketika itu.
100 ekor unta
Mereka berusaha sedaya upaya untuk menghalang Abdul Mutalib daripada meneruskan niatnya untuk menyembelih Abdullah itu. Bapa-bapa saudara Abdullah sebelah ibunya (Fatimah binti Amru bin Aidh bin Imran bin Makhzum bin Yaqzah bin Murrah) daripada kalangan Bani Makhzum dan terutamanya saudaranya Abu Talib begitu menghalang Abdul Mutalib daripada terus menyembelih Abdullah.
Tetapi Abdul Mutalib seorang yang berpegang kepada nazarnya, tetap akan meneruskan niatnya itu kecuali terdapat cadangan lain yang dapat menebus nazar tersebut.
Lalu mereka mencadangkan supaya Abdul Mutalib menemui seorang ahli tilik wanita untuk meminta nasihat daripadanya mengenai masalah nazar itu.
Wanita itu mencadangkan menuliskan nama Abdullah pada anak panah itu dengan tebusan 10 ekor unta. Jika nama yang keluar ialah nama Abdullah maka hendaklah ditambah 10 ekor unta lagi sehingga Tuhan merestuinya. Jika anak yang dicabut pula ialah unta maka hendaklah disembelih unta-unta itu.
Namun yang terjadi selepas itu, nama Abdullah yang sentiasa ‘naik’ pada cabutan sehinggalah 10 kali cabutan yang menyebabkan setiap satunya terpaksa ditambah dengan 10 ekor unta lagi. Ini menjadikan kesemuanya 100 ekor unta menjadi tebusan kepada nyawa Abdullah.
Maka terlepaslah nyawa Abdullah dengan dibayar 100 ekor unta yang kemudiannya diberi kepada orang lain tanpa halangan atau disembelih.
Sebelum ini bayaran diat di kalangan orang Arab hanya 10 ekor unta tetapi sejak peristiwa itu bayaran diat bagi nyawa manusia menjadi 100 ekor unta yang kemudiannya diterima dalam Islam.
Rasulullah SAW sendiri pernah bersabda:
“Aku adalah putera dua orang yang disembelih (iaitu Nabi Ismail dan bapa Baginda, Abdullah)”.
Abdul Mutalib tentu sahaja gembira dengan penebusan nyawa anaknya itu, beliau kini beroleh kembali anaknya itu daripada bakal disembelih oleh tangannya sendiri.
Sebagai meraikan anaknya itu dan kebetulan Abdullah didapati sudah sesuai untuk mendirikan rumah tangga, lalu Abdul Mutalib menjodohkan anaknya dengan Siti Aminah binti Wahb bin Abdul Manaf bin Zuhrah bin Kilab menjadi isteri. Ketika itu Aminah dianggap wanita bangsa arab Quraisy yang paling mulia dari segi keturunan dan kedudukan. Bapanya ialah ketua Bani Zuhrah dari segi hubungan nasab dan kemuliaan.
Lalu berkahwinlah Abdullah dan Siti Aminah lalu mereka menetap di Kota Mekah.Tidak lama mereka berkahwin, Abdullah bersama rombongan kafilah dagangan menuju ke Madinah bagi menjalankan perniagaan di sana. Sesetengah meriwayatkan Abdullah sebenarnya hendak menuju ke Syam tetapi di pertengahan jalan, beliau kemudiannya jatuh sakit lalu meninggal dunia berhampiran Madinah.
Jenazahnya dikebumikan di Dar al Nabighah al Ja’di dikatakan dalam usia yang sangat muda iaitu 25 tahun.Kematian Abdullah ini dikatakan pada dua bulan sebelum keputeraan anakandanya, Rasulullah menyebabkan si anak menjadi yatim sejak dalam kandungan ibunya lagi, Siti Aminah.
Kematian Abdullah benar-benar diratapi dengan penuh sedih oleh Siti Aminah, tentunya kerana mengenangkan nasib anaknya yang tidak sempat melihat wajah si bapa.
Sambil meratap hiba itu, Aminah sempat melagukan sebuah syair pilu seperti yang tersiar dalam keluaran lalu.
Pemergian Abdullah telah meninggalkan kepada isterinya itu iaitu lima ekor unta, beberapa ekor kambing dan seorang hamba perempuan berketurunan Habsyah bernama Barakah yang digelar Ummu Ayman yang kemudiannya pernah mengasuh Rasulullah semasa Baginda masih kecil!.
- Petikan daripada Sirah Nabawiyah terbitan Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM)
(di ambil dari blog MY ADHA )
p/s : Terima kasih atas artikel yang disiarkan oleh Abg Adha


Terbuka kepada semua rakyat Negeri Kedah Darulaman.


1. Pembantu Tadbir (Kewangan) GRED : W17
2. Pembantu Tadbir GRED : N17

Maklumat Lanjut & Borang Permohonan :

Tarikh Tutup: 26 Mac 2009


Profesion perguruan merupakan satu profesion yang dinamik dan penting didalam pembangunan bangsa dan negara. Ianya sentiasa berubah tetapi tetap segar mengikut kehendak masa dan semasa bagi menjamin keperluan negara dalam mendidik dan membina rakyat Malaysia yang berjiwa kental dan mantap serta berilmu bagi membina masyarakat yang dapat menyumbang kepada kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan negara Malaysia.Bahagian Pendidikan Guru, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia adalah agensi yang bertanggungjawab mengendalikan program latihan keguruan praperkhidmatan dan dalam perkhidmatan. Kurikulum latihan keguruan digubal bagi memenuhi hasrat Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan dan Falsafah Pendidikan Guru untuk melahirkan guru yang profesional, berketrampilan, berdaya tahan, berakhlak mulia, mengamalkan nilai-nilai murni, mahir berfikir dan cekap teknologi.
Bahagian Pendidikan Guru mengendalikan beberapa program latihan keguruan praperkhidmatan untuk calon lepas SPM seperti tersebut dibawah :
A. Program Penghantaran Pelajar Cemerlang ke Universiti Terkemuka Luar Negara.
A1. Program latihan keguruan praperkhidmatan ini menawarkan bidang seperti berikut :
# Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics
# Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Physics
# Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Chemistry
# Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Biology
# Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Clinical Speech Therapy
# Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Occupational Health Therapy
# Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Audiology
# Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Clinical Psychology
Program ini dikhususkan untuk melahirkan guru-guru bagi sekolah menengah dalam mata pelajaran berikut :
# Matematik
# Fizik
# Kimia
# Biologi
#Pendidikan Khas (Clinical Speech Therapy, Occupational Health Therapy Audiology,Clinical Psychology)
Calon perlu mengikuti kursus persediaan selama 2 - 4 semester di institusi pengajian/ kolej terpilih yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia di dalam negara.Calon yang lulus dengan jayanya di peringkat Kursus Persediaan akan ditawarkan untuk mengikuti Kursus Ijazah Sarjana Muda/ Ijazah pertama di universiti terkemuka luar negara seperti United Kingdom, Australia atau New Zealand, selama 6 - 7 semester. Selepas tamat pengajian di peringkat ijazah pertama, calon dikehendaki mengikuti Kursus Perguruan Lepasan Ijazah (KPLI) di Institusi Pendidikan Guru Malaysia yang akan ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia di dalam negara selama 2 semester.
A2. Institusi yang mengendalikan Kursus Persediaan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Matematik, Fizik, Kimia, Biologi dan Pendidikan Khas) :
a. International Education Centre (INTEC), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Kampus Seksyen 17, Shah Alam, Selangor.
b. Institut Kajian Liberal (IKAL), Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) Kajang, Selangor.
c. Kolej Yayasan United Engineers Malaysia (UEM), Lembah Beringin, Tanjung Malim, Perak.
Program Penghantaran Pelajar Cemerlang ke universiti terkemuka di luar negara.Aktiviti Tempat Tempoh semesterPengajian Persediaan Kolej Persediaan KPM 2 - 4 semester (mengikut kolej pengajian)Pengajian Ijazah Pertama (Matematik, Fizik, Kimia, Biologi, Pendidikan Khas) Universiti Terkemuka Luar Negara (UK, Aust atau NZ) 6 - 7 semester (mengikut universiti pengajian)Kursus Perguruan Lepas Ijazah (KPLI) Institusi Pendidikan Guru Malaysia akan ditetapkan oleh KPM 2 semester
B. Program Kembar Bahasa Perancis (PKBP).
B1. Program latihan keguruan praperkhidmatan ini menawarkan bidang seperti berikut :
# Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sciences of Languages and Information Specializing in Teaching French as a Foreign Language
# Program latihan keguruan praperkhidmatan ini dikhususkan untuk melatih guru-guru bagi sekolah menengah untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Perancis.
#Program ini terbuka hanya kepada calon-calon yang mempunyai pengetahuan asas bertutur dan menulis dalam bahasa Perancis.
Calon hendaklah telah menduduki ujian kompetensi bahasa Perancis dan memiliki DELF 1.#Calon hendaklah memiliki sekurang-kurangnya 4A termasuklah mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris dan sekurang-kurangnya B3 dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu, Matematik atau Matematik Tambahan, Biologi atau Kimia atau Fizik atau Sains atau Sains Tambahan atau satu mata pelajaran teknikal di peringkat Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia.
#Calon perlu mengikuti kursus persediaan selama 4 semester di institusi pengajian/kolej terpilih yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia di dalam negara.
#Calon yang lulus dengan jayanya di peringkat kursus persediaan akan ditawarkan untuk mengikuti program kembar Kursus Ijazah Sarjana Muda/ Ijazah pertama di universiti terkemuka negara Perancis, selama 6 semester.
#Selepas tamat pengajian di peringkat ijazah pertama, calon dikehendaki mengikuti Kursus Diploma Pendidikan di Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) dalam negara selama 2 semester.Program Kembar Bahasa Perancis.
Aktiviti Tempat Tempoh semesterPengajian Persediaan Institut/ Kolej Pengajian yang ditetapkan oleh KPM 2 semesterPengajian Ijazah Pertama(Bahasa Perancis) Universiti Terkemuka Negara Perancis 6 semesterKursus Diploma Perguruan Institusi akan ditetapkan oleh KPM 2 semester
C. Program Kembar Bahasa Jerman (PKBJ).
C1. Program latihan keguruan praperkhidmatan ini menawarkan bidang seperti berikut :
# Sarjana Muda Bahasa dan Linguistik Dengan Pendidikan (Kepujian) - Bahasa Jerman
#Program latihan keguruan praperkhidmatan ini dikhususkan untuk melatih guru-guru bagi sekolah menengah untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Jerman.
#Program ini terbuka hanya kepada calon-calon yang mempunyai pengetahuan asas bertutur dan menulis dalam bahasa Jerman.
#Calon hendaklah memiliki sekurang-kurangnya 4A termasuklah mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris dan sekurang-kurangnya B3 dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu, Matematik atau Matematik Tambahan, Biologi atau Kimia atau Fizik atau Sains atau Sains Tambahan atau satu mata pelajaran teknikal di peringkat Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia.
#Calon perlu mengikuti Kursus Persediaan selama dua tahun di Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia (IPGM) yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia.
#Calon yang lulus dengan jayanya di kedua-dua peringkat kursus persediaan akan ditawarkan untuk mengikuti program kembar Ijazah Sarjana Muda/ Ijazah pertama dalam bahasa Jerman di institut pengajian tinggi tempatan selama tiga tahun (tahun 1, 2 dan 3) dan di Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia(IPGM) selama satu tahun (tahun 4).
Program Kembar Bahasa Jerman.Aktiviti Tempat Tempoh semesterPengajian Persediaan 1 Institut Pendidikan Guru yang ditetapkan 4 semesterPengajian Ijazah Pertama Universiti Tempatan Dalam Negara 6 semesterKursus Perguruan Lepas Ijazah Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia yang ditetapkan 2 semester
D. Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan (PISMP).
D1. Program latihan keguruan praperkhidmatan ini menawarkan bidang seperti berikut :
# Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan KepujianMAKLUMAT TAMBAHANHanya calon-calon yang memperoleh jumlah skor merit terbaik yang melepasi tahap skor minimum yang ditetapkan sahaja yang akan dipanggil temu duga. Calon-calon yang dipanggil temu duga dikehendaki menduduki Ujian Sahsiah Keguruan (INSAK) secara bertulis semasa menghadiri temu duga. Calon dikehendaki membawa bersama pensil 2B dan pemadam.
Pemilihan calon untuk tawaran bagi mengikuti kursus keguruan bergantung kepada merit skor akademik, prestasi dalam temu duga dan juga keputusan ujian sahsiah (INSAK).Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia berhak menentukan dan menetapkan jenis program/ kursus untuk ditawarkan kepada calon walaupun bukan mengikut keutamaan pilihan calon.
Sebagai prasyarat, calon dikehendaki mengikuti Kursus Persediaan selama tempoh yang telah ditetapkan mengikut jenis program yang ditawarkan di institusi seperti yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. Hanya calon yang lulus kursus persediaan dengan jayanya akan meneruskan pengajian di peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda.
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia berhak menempatkan semula calon yang berjaya di peringkat Kursus Persediaan ke peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda di mana-mana Institut Pendidikan Guru atau mana-mana institusi pengajian di dalam bidang yang ditentukan.
Calon-calon yang ditawarkan untuk mengikuti kursus keguruan, dikehendaki menandatangani perjanjian pendidikan guru untuk berkhidmat dengan Kerajaan Malaysia di mana-mana sekolah atau institusi seperti yang diarahkan, selepas tamat pengajian untuk tempoh yang ditetapkan oleh pihak kerajaan.Segala perbelanjaan untuk menghadiri temu duga adalah ditanggung oleh calon sendiri.
Calon dinasihatkan menyemak status permohonan mereka dari masa ke masa melalui internet untuk mendapat maklumat terkini mengenai panggilan temu duga dan juga keputusan temu duga yang dihadiri.
Tiada surat menyurat dikeluarkan oleh Bahagian Pendidikan Guru untuk panggilan temu duga dan juga keputusan temu duga. Surat tawaran rasmi bagi calon yang berjaya akan diserahkan di Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia semasa calon melapor diri pada hari pendaftaran.
Maklumat mengenai status permohonan dan e-Panduan Permohonan Secara Dalam Talian bagi mengikuti Kursus Perguruan bagi Lepas Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia ini boleh didapati di laman web Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia.
CARA MEMOHONPermohonan untuk mengikuti program keguruan ini hanya boleh dibuat secara Dalam Talian sahaja melalui laman web Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (
Calon dinasihatkan membaca dan memahami dahulu e-Panduan Permohonan sebelum membuat permohonan.Permohonan ini hanya boleh dibuat dengan menggunakan nombor pengenalan individu (PIN) yang boleh dibeli di Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) di seluruh Malaysia mulai 8 Mac 2009 dengan bayaran sebanyak RM 6.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Enam sahaja). Calon atau wakilnya hendaklah membawa bersama kad pengenalan atau salinan kad pengenalan calon untuk membeli nombor pin tersebut.
Calon dibenarkan mengemukakan hanya satu permohonan sahaja.
Calon boleh mengguna nombor PIN yang sama untuk membuat pindaan atau kemaskini maklumat kepada permohonan yang telah dihantar.
Pindaan permohonan dihadkan tiga kali sahaja dan hendaklah dibuat sebelum tarikh tutup permohonan.
Maklumat butiran permohonan yang tidak lengkap, boleh mengakibatkan permohonan ditolak.
Permohonan ini akan ditutup pada 22 Mac 2009.


Terbuka kepada semua Warganegara Malaysia.
Keutamaan kepada rakyat negeri Johor.


1. Penolong Pegawai Kawalan Alam Sekitar (Gred C27)
2. Penolong Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat (Gred F29)
3. Penolong Pegawai Pembangunan Masyarakat (Gred S27)
4. Penolong Pengurus (Gred N27)
5. Juruteknik Komputer (Gred F17)
6. Pembantu Tadbir (Kesetiausahaan) (Gred N17)

Maklumat Lanjut & Borang Permohonan :

Tarikh Tutup: 27 Mac 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What to Wear to a Job Interview

As it well known, the first impression is important. Studies show, that during the interview most of the interviewers make and impression about the candidate within initial 10 seconds. Therefore, the way you dress up is decisive to this first impression. Most of the corporate corporate-recruiting experts would agree with this view. The outfits should not also be very much casual or flashy. Moreover, it is the most important that you should be clean and neat. Wear the clothes that fit properly if or perfectly. Wearing un-pressed clothes would make a very bad impression that you are not much considerate and responsible even about your wearing. The suit is one of the best choices for wearing for the interview for both the men and women. The suit should be subtle and be sure to sell yourself.. The suits are a symbol of richness, power and confidence. They also depict success. Because of all this factors, they would make your presence felt in interview. It is not a problem if you are wearing a black or colored suit. However, it is important this should be neutral-color. Moreover, the suit should not have much design on it and should be simple. It should ideally be single colored. Also in some parts of the world, the cultural beliefs do not permit the people to wear the full black colored clothes. However, it is very important that such beliefs be overcome. This is because the black color is the generally the best color for the suit. Moreover, most of the experts would advice that the women stay away from the explicit trendy suits as those like baby-doll dresses or shorts. Similarly, for the men also, the trendy suits should be avoided. Accessories – Apart from the suit the other accessories can also be worn. However, for them too the rule is the same. They too should be very mild. They should just acts as the enhancements for the body and not themselves act as the significant things on the body. But note that the accessories that can be worn for the interview include just the watch rings or a thin and very mild bracelet in the hand. Women need to take more care about the accessories. They should not use or remove the thing that they wear normally. These things may include the too exclusive earrings, nose rings, and other types of rings, or bracelets and lockets, etc. However, women can wear at least some jewelry. However this should not be too notable as multiple or large shaped earrings finger rings etc. The footwear should also be looked after. It should be strong and should have a design that it should provide the appropriate support to the feet. On wearing them the people should be able to walk properly and comfortable. The footwears should not slip from the feet. Therefore, the ideal footwear to wear is the shoes. For all the clothes and accessories, i.e. your get up should not be such that it is more notable than you are. The attention of the interviewers should be on what you say during the interview and not what you wear.

About the Author:
Muna wa Wanjiru Has Been Researching and Reporting on Job Interview for Years. For More Information on What To Wear To A Job Interview

5 Top Tips for Preparing for a Job Interview

Whether it’s your first or your hundredth and whether your rate of getting the job offer after the interview is 10% or 90%, preparing for an interview is always among the most nerve-wracking of tasks. Your stress level, however, will drop when you know you are ready for the interview. The following tips will give you that confidence you need.

1. Be prepared for a few basic questions, especially the negative ones like what are your weaknesses and why do you want to leave your current job. Once you’ve gone to a number of interviews, you will notice that certain questions, or at least certain types of questions, get asked on a regular basis. Be prepared to sound CONFIDENT, not perfect. The impression you want to leave is that you are competent and smart, recognize your weak points, and most importantly are actively working to address problem areas. When you’re preparing for an interview, the most important question to think about is the one about your greatest weakness. Think about this one for a while. Make sure your answer to this question will be similar to the answers your references will give. It is okay to ask them what you think your biggest weakness is, in fact!

2. Know your interviewer. This doesn’t mean call him up and ask him out to coffee. It means you should call the place you’re hoping to be working at soon and ask the receptionist who she thinks your boss will be in that position. If she doesn’t know, you can ask for human resources and see if they will tell you. You do not have to give your name in this call, just say that you’re interested in the position and would like to send a copy of your letter and resume to this person in addition to the blank box address or human resources address given in the posting. Then follow up by sending that resume to that interviewer. Find out, if possible, what your interviewer’s job is, and do a quick Google on their name to see if there has been any recent news. It’s nice to be able to congratulate them if they’ve won an award for instance. Don’t get creepy; going into Facebook to find out the name of their wife, daughter, and goldfish is too much. Keep it professional.

3. If you’re not a hundred percent certain what the job entails, find out. All you have to do is pick up the phone and call, seriously. You don’t even have to talk to your interviewer or prospective boss, though that’s not necessarily bad. Giving them a call before you go in does a few things. First, you can be informed about the job. Second, it gives you a chance to ask about other things that seem trivial until they come up: Where do you park? Is there a guard to check in with? Anything special you should expect? I once showed up for a 7:30 interview at a building that wasn’t unlocked until 8 am. The interviewer simply didn’t think about this, and sat fuming when I wasn’t there until she realized that I was locked out. When you understand what the position will be, think about the company and the position. Can you project what they might want to be doing with this position? For instance, I once applied for a job teaching office skills to people moving off welfare into the workplace. Some research on this job told me that not only were they planning to continue this project, they were going to expand into the private sector and teach computer classes to local businesses. By knowing this, I was able to address their plans directly in the interview – before they asked. This let them know I was on the same page, career-wise, they were on, and I landed the job.

4. Wear comfortable shoes. No, this does not mean tennis shoes. Instead, you need to recognize that your attitude is going to be largely determined by how comfortable you feel at the interview. Too-tight pantyhose, a bra strap that slides down, shoes that pinch, pants that ride up – all these things are going to make your interview more difficult. Look good, but opt for interview clothes that don’t make you aware that you’re wearing clothes. This may mean that your second-best suit, or your mom’s great pumps, are what you need to wear. As you prepare for your interview remember that your personal appearance is more than just clothes-deep, and looking comfortable gives you a completely different dimension. Make sure you feel good before walking in, so you can focus on the interviewer instead of wondering if you have a blister.5. Use positive body language at every step. Your interview starts when you drive into the parking lot. You need to be completely aware of your surroundings and the attitude you are giving off at every step from that moment forward. (Yes, this also means wash the car.) Walk inside with confidence, and be kind to the receptionist. You would be surprised how many interviewers ask her opinion of the interviewee!
The firm handshake is not optional, regardless of your sex. Instead, it is a skill to be mastered. When you’re working on it, put yourself into the role of the interviewer; would you hire someone with limp hands? Over and over, interviewers state that this one aspect of a person sets the tone for the entire interview. As part of preparing for an interview, practice it with your friends, along with the friendly, confident smile, until you know you have it right.
There’s more information on preparing for an interview here including dealing with interview nerves.

About the Author:
We are 4 interviewers with over 67 years of recruitment experience between us and we want to help you snag a job — your dream job. Our website provides free help and advice on all aspects of finding a job, from cover letters and resumes, to sample interview questions and answers.

Should I Tell Resume and CV Lies?

In today’s world, the search for employment is extremely competitive. So how do you present yourself most favorably to a potential employer? Some people think the simplest way to present yourself in the best light is to lie on your CV or resume. Studies show that up to seventy-five percent of all CVs and resumes reviewed contained some type of deception in them. Many people think that it is alright to exaggerate the truth or state an outright lie when looking for employment. Most feel that an employer is too busy to check all the facts and they will get away with falsifying information. The largest group of people that submit CVs and resumes containing false information is women in their thirties. They make up at least thirty-three percent with young men in their twenties coming up a close second. So why tell resume and CV lies? Many people feel that almost everybody does it to make a better impression than others competing for the same position. However, if they are discovered they run the risk of losing out on being hired. Also they run the risk of ruining their reputation and future job opportunities. Not only are we dealing with a moral issue, we are dealing with a legal issue as well.Should an employer find out about misleading information found in a resume, CV, or application form before a person is formally hired, they have the right by law to withdraw the offer of a job.If the deception is found out after a person is already working for an employer, then the employer can dismiss the person. If that employer is listed as a reference, they can state the deception as a reason of termination, potentially ruining chances of being hired by another employer. What kind of information is most commonly falsified? Most often a resume or CV will have dates of employment that have been exaggerated so that it looks like a person was with an employer for longer than they actually were. Sometimes dates are exaggerated so that gaps in employment are wiped out or decreased for whatever reason. Salaries are often disclosed to be up to thirty-five percent more than what was actually received. More serious false information involves stating or producing phony degrees. Unscrupulous people can find and even produce false documents that are very official looking, giving a potential employer the impression that the person has received higher education when in reality, the person may have only attended a few courses or worse yet, never even attended the institution in question. This is a serious offense and could result in conviction and time in prison. The bottom line is that if you do not know how to represent yourself in a positive light ask a professional resume or CV writer to write a resume for you .
Or another option is to speak with someone that you admire and ask them how they wrote up their CV or resume. Telling resume and CV lies, or lying on your job application form should be avoided so that you do not have to worry about defending yourself or you employment if the misleading information is discovered.

There’s more information on resume and CV lies here .
Article Source:

About the Author:We are 4 interviewers with over 67 years of recruitment experience between us and we want to help you snag a job — your dream job. Our website provides free help and advice on all aspects of finding a job, from cover letters and resumes, to sample interview questions and answers.

How to Write a Resume

Jobseekers should be mindful of the fact that employers only scan CVs/resumes for about 30 seconds so your document has to be well prepared. If you want your CV/resume printed, then use a laser printer on quality conqueror paper. Never despatch photocopied CVs/resumes. Number of Pages This depends on your experience. A single page is fine for jobseekers with little or nor work experience. If you have an established work record, two pages is usually adequate in which to elaborate on relevant skills, experience and qualifications. On occasions you may use three pages to add additional remits. This applies to senior managers and senior technical personnel who wish to elaborate on track records of achievements; or details of scientific or technical journals. CV/Resume Layout Format your document in a manner that avoids clutter. Use consistent font styles and font sizes. Times Roman and Arial are the standard styles. Font size 12 is sufficient for headings and 10 is adequate for the body of the document. Check Spelling People sometimes give their CV/resume a thought when writing them but forget to ensure both spelling and grammar are correct. It is therefore very important to check your work, even if you are confident of your spelling and grammar, typographical error can and do occur. A good editing software like Microsoft Word can easily correct both spelling and grammatical construction. Leave Out Unnecessary Information Because employers typically scan CVs/resumes in mere seconds, they only want to see information that are relevant and pertinent to the prescribed job. Anything else will likely annoy the reader and lessen your chances for interview. It is therefore important to first analyse your skills and experience along with your qualifications, then compare them with the job description before even attempting to write your CV/resume. Structure Your CV Correctly Again, because employers are busy and only give CVs/resumes cursory examination, you should present your most relevant information at the top of the CV/resume to catch the attention of the reader. People with limited or no work experience, such as graduates, should elaborate on their degree course, highlighting important modules and details of projects undertaken. Again, these should be elaborated at the top of the document. Include Your Profile remember to include a profile summary at the top or near the top of your first page, summarising important relevant skills, experience and achievements. Dealing with Career Gaps Big gaps draw attention so always provide information to account to fill them. If the true reason is one which you feel is not ideal, such as extensive period of unemployment, turn the situation creatively by mentioning any voluntary work you might have undertaken during that period at your local sports club, for example.
Article Source:
About the Author:Professional CV writing services offers free blank resume forms for download.

Monday, March 16, 2009



Hugh Jackman reprises the role that made him a superstar – as the fierce fighting machine who possesses amazing healing powers, retractable claws and a primal fury. Leading up to the events of X-MEN, X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE tells the story of Wolverine’s epically violent and romantic past, his complex relationship with Victor Creed, and the ominous Weapon X program. Along the way, Wolverine encounters many mutants, both familiar and new, including surprise appearances by several legends of the X-Men universe whose appearances in the film series have long been anticipated.

(Source: 20th Century Fox (M) Sdn. Bhd.)

Release Date : 30 April 2009
Language : English
Classification : N/A
Running Time : N/A
Director : Gavin Hood
Cast : Dominic Monaghan, Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber, Ryan Reynolds.

Oficial website at :



As he is released from prison, Brian O'Conner (Walker) teams up with Dominic Toretto (Diesel) work with the feds to bring down a heroin importer by infiltrating his operation.

(Source: United International Pictures (Sdn))

Release Date : 2 April 2009
Language : English
Classification : N/A
Running Time : N/A
Director : Justin Lin
Cast : Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez.

For more information log on to :


Continuation of war on Earth between two robotic clans, the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, leaving the fate of mankind hanging in the balance. (Source: United International Pictures (Sdn))

Release Date : 26 June 2009
Language : English
Classification : N/A
Running Time: N/A
Director : Micheal Bay
Cast : Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox.

For more infomation you can check on official website

Friday, March 13, 2009

Apa sudah jadi dengan MALAYSIA ???

Sejak akhir-akhir ni Saya rasa Malaysia hari ini tidak sama seperti Malaysia yang saya kenal dahulu sekarang melayu sesama sendiri bertelagah kononnya untuk memperjuangkan keadilan tapi sebenarnya memperjuangkan hak seseorang yang mempunyai kepentingan peribadi dan dia berjaya mengucar-kacirkan malaysia dengan membangkitkan pelbagai isu sehingga memecahbelahkan perpaduan orang melayu khasnya.... dan perpaduan rakyat malaysia Amnya... Bilakah dia akan insaf ....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bismillahirrahmanir rahimAssalamualaikum wbt

Dear Sahabat,
Please be informed that the following (pls scroll down) are products of US and Israel .
Please avoid using those. According to Aljareera, US provide USD3 billion every year to Israel for military equipments.
Alhamdulillah, Allah has yet to test us as those from Gaza . It is a challenge for us to show our devotion to islam and support our sahabat in Gaza by avoiding using/buying those products. Kalau pun tak dpt boikot semua produk, at least boikot sebahagian..Untuk apa meng’kaya’ kan syarikat2 gergasi yg mungkin menyumbang kepada pembunuhan saudara2 kita di bumi Palestin..

Mengikut maklumat produk-produk ini adalah milik/penyokong Yahudi Jika anda ada sebarang maklumat atau pertanyaan sila hubungi PPIM di Hotline:019- 3591000


















Sekian Terima kasih

Boikot jangan tak boikot