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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What to Wear to a Job Interview

As it well known, the first impression is important. Studies show, that during the interview most of the interviewers make and impression about the candidate within initial 10 seconds. Therefore, the way you dress up is decisive to this first impression. Most of the corporate corporate-recruiting experts would agree with this view. The outfits should not also be very much casual or flashy. Moreover, it is the most important that you should be clean and neat. Wear the clothes that fit properly if or perfectly. Wearing un-pressed clothes would make a very bad impression that you are not much considerate and responsible even about your wearing. The suit is one of the best choices for wearing for the interview for both the men and women. The suit should be subtle and be sure to sell yourself.. The suits are a symbol of richness, power and confidence. They also depict success. Because of all this factors, they would make your presence felt in interview. It is not a problem if you are wearing a black or colored suit. However, it is important this should be neutral-color. Moreover, the suit should not have much design on it and should be simple. It should ideally be single colored. Also in some parts of the world, the cultural beliefs do not permit the people to wear the full black colored clothes. However, it is very important that such beliefs be overcome. This is because the black color is the generally the best color for the suit. Moreover, most of the experts would advice that the women stay away from the explicit trendy suits as those like baby-doll dresses or shorts. Similarly, for the men also, the trendy suits should be avoided. Accessories – Apart from the suit the other accessories can also be worn. However, for them too the rule is the same. They too should be very mild. They should just acts as the enhancements for the body and not themselves act as the significant things on the body. But note that the accessories that can be worn for the interview include just the watch rings or a thin and very mild bracelet in the hand. Women need to take more care about the accessories. They should not use or remove the thing that they wear normally. These things may include the too exclusive earrings, nose rings, and other types of rings, or bracelets and lockets, etc. However, women can wear at least some jewelry. However this should not be too notable as multiple or large shaped earrings finger rings etc. The footwear should also be looked after. It should be strong and should have a design that it should provide the appropriate support to the feet. On wearing them the people should be able to walk properly and comfortable. The footwears should not slip from the feet. Therefore, the ideal footwear to wear is the shoes. For all the clothes and accessories, i.e. your get up should not be such that it is more notable than you are. The attention of the interviewers should be on what you say during the interview and not what you wear.

About the Author:
Muna wa Wanjiru Has Been Researching and Reporting on Job Interview for Years. For More Information on What To Wear To A Job Interview

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