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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to Write a Resume

Jobseekers should be mindful of the fact that employers only scan CVs/resumes for about 30 seconds so your document has to be well prepared. If you want your CV/resume printed, then use a laser printer on quality conqueror paper. Never despatch photocopied CVs/resumes. Number of Pages This depends on your experience. A single page is fine for jobseekers with little or nor work experience. If you have an established work record, two pages is usually adequate in which to elaborate on relevant skills, experience and qualifications. On occasions you may use three pages to add additional remits. This applies to senior managers and senior technical personnel who wish to elaborate on track records of achievements; or details of scientific or technical journals. CV/Resume Layout Format your document in a manner that avoids clutter. Use consistent font styles and font sizes. Times Roman and Arial are the standard styles. Font size 12 is sufficient for headings and 10 is adequate for the body of the document. Check Spelling People sometimes give their CV/resume a thought when writing them but forget to ensure both spelling and grammar are correct. It is therefore very important to check your work, even if you are confident of your spelling and grammar, typographical error can and do occur. A good editing software like Microsoft Word can easily correct both spelling and grammatical construction. Leave Out Unnecessary Information Because employers typically scan CVs/resumes in mere seconds, they only want to see information that are relevant and pertinent to the prescribed job. Anything else will likely annoy the reader and lessen your chances for interview. It is therefore important to first analyse your skills and experience along with your qualifications, then compare them with the job description before even attempting to write your CV/resume. Structure Your CV Correctly Again, because employers are busy and only give CVs/resumes cursory examination, you should present your most relevant information at the top of the CV/resume to catch the attention of the reader. People with limited or no work experience, such as graduates, should elaborate on their degree course, highlighting important modules and details of projects undertaken. Again, these should be elaborated at the top of the document. Include Your Profile remember to include a profile summary at the top or near the top of your first page, summarising important relevant skills, experience and achievements. Dealing with Career Gaps Big gaps draw attention so always provide information to account to fill them. If the true reason is one which you feel is not ideal, such as extensive period of unemployment, turn the situation creatively by mentioning any voluntary work you might have undertaken during that period at your local sports club, for example.
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About the Author:Professional CV writing services offers free blank resume forms for download.

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