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Friday, March 20, 2009

What Employers Usually Ask In Job Interviews

Job interviews are meant to be stressful, so don't even think that you're becoming crazy if yours that's scheduled tomorrow (or next week, probably) makes you feel the same way as Ann once did after she was abducted by the dreadfully-frightening creatures of Skull Island. As a matter of fact, even job seekers who have gone on countless interviews in the past still feel uneasy before an interview. And since, a job interview is meant to be this way, what you can do to somehow lessen its unappealing effects on your stomach and pores, is to prepare. How? Take the time to review the "standard" interview questions you'll most likely be asked. Here are some of them:
The most popular interview question is, "What are your pet peeves?" Take note that the interviewer isn't expecting you to respond with some dramatic stories about your love for dogs, cats or any other adorable creature that's considered a member of Kingdom Animalia to this question. Instead, he's asking you what are the things that piss you out. This will help him determine if you would be a good fit with the company culture. So, what should be your answer? Deny that you have pet peeve. Tell him if something is bothering you, you analyze "why" and find a good solution.
Another interview-favorite question is, "How do you handle stress and pressure?" Of course, any kind of work gives out pressure. The interviewer wants to know here if your case of getting pressured is in the extremes. Your best possible response is to admit that you get affected by stress, but you don't let it totally control you. Instead, you view it as motivator. Tell him that you deal with stress by balancing good stress and bad stress -- that you need good stress to stay "alive" and productive.
"How do you evaluate success?" is also another cliché interview question. To be able to answer this properly, mention some aspects of your social life and the career life you're planning to have with the company. Tell him that success in the workplace is all about meeting goals and acing sales. In social life, success for you is, let's say, every time your badminton team wins in local competitions or when your garden flowers bloom every summer.
But remember that interview questions are not always miss-universe-essay sounding. Lots of interviewers also ask interviewees to give them some information about the company. Of course, this is to check whether you're really interested in working for them or not. So, what you should do is to prepare in advance, or, in other words, research. Search for the company's website, then review the "About Us" section of that website. In addition, read blogs that mention the company, and check Discussion Boards and social networking sites.
Lots of interviewers also ask about the future. They ask questions like "What are your goals for the next five years / ten years?", "What are your salary requirements?" and "What will you do if you don't get this position?" to determine whether you have a "direction" in your life and if they can partly entrust the "future direction" of the company to you. To answer, don't discuss your goals for returning to school or having a family. Rather, you must connect your answer to the job you're applying for. Basically, you should tell them that your goal is to continue to learn while working.
Donald Varner

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